Do you need a development department, on demand?

Astek strengthens your teams with advanced technical competence when your projects need extra development power. Temporary or continuous. We take responsibility for the entire result – from idea and feasibility study to product and follow-up. Talk to us!

Our service areas

Astek offers expertise in most aspects of product development, electronics and software. We have extensive experience of working with the interface between mechanics and electronics. Click on to find out more about our different service areas!

Product development

Electronics development

Software development

Don’t be shy….

Fyll i vårt jättestooora formulär, eller kontakta oss på annat sätt, om du vill diskutera ert nästa projekt! Vi kan vara med från scratch eller stärka upp något av era pågående projekt med rätt kompetens där det behövs. Välkommen till oss på Astek!